Laserlux Spa Blog

Laser Treatments Blog

Be Hair Free and Care Free with Permanent Hair

Every day men and women are frustrated with constantly shaving and waxing hard-to-reach back and body hair. That’s when we at Body Bar Laser Clinic step in to help!

Laser hair removal on the body is a go-to for our male patients. On average, men will spend around 3,100 hours shaving during their lifetime. At Body Bar, our laser hair removal experts will first sit down with you and review your hair removal goals to determine how many treatments are required. With men typically wanting to treat a larger area, we are able to customize the laser settings to treat larger areas comfortably and quickly. Generally, a full back hair removal procedure can be done in 45 minutes to an hour. Get started now, you’ll thank yourself later!


Why Choose Laserluxspa?

  • Reasonable prices and package deals
  • Clean & Hygienic setting
  • Hundreds of satisfied customers from Surrey, Delta & the Lower Mainland

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